Friday, October 30, 2009

Halloween Jack-O-Lanterns

Carson came home from school on Monday and asked when we were decorating our pumpkins for our house. I looked at him thinking I guess he is old enough to know that is what you do on Halloween. So Monday night we ate dinner and I went and got pumpkin to carve for the boys for family night. Chad got roped into designing our faces and I helped cut. By the time we got to the third one, the boys had all went back inside the house and Chad and I were the ones outside with the pumpkins. It was fun for the short time we were out there all together. The boys were excited to have pumpkins on the porch.

1 comment:

Marci said...

What a good mom you are (oh, I mean dad you are)! We didn't even get our carved...I printed some vinyl faces when we first got them and was going to have a carving party closer to Halloween, but never got to it!