Monday, November 2, 2009


The boys were so excited to get to dress up and go trick-or-treating. Carson was a hunter, Peyton and Parker were cowboys, and Gunner with an elephant.
Saturday night our ward was hosting the trunk or treat. They had several trunks decorated and handing out candy and fed us hot dogs with chili and cornbread. Yum!!After the trunk or treat we went to Aunt Mame's to trick or treat and see her jail bird costume. It was so cute and the little elephant wanted nothing to do with her and screamed the whole time we were at her house. The other boys thought she was funny. We then went down to Cassi's to trick or treat her neighborhood. Some people really get into this holiday. I am not one of them, it is definitely not my favorite holiday. It was lots of fun. I bet Josh made us walk two miles around the neighborhood but the kids were troopers and loved it. Parker was wearing out and Aunt Jane asked him if he wanted more candy and he just shook his head no. He was done. Carson was trying to be brave with Tessa and Paige and not let nothin' scare him, including Clint and Josh hiding in the bushes. They did jump a few times but still were brave in the dark. Peyton would just run from house to house and had a good time. Gunner just hung out in the stroller and loved the life of being pushed to all the doors and not having to run with the rest. It's a good thing we had the stroller cuz our buckets were so full of candy the twins couldn't carry them and run so it became the bucket holder. A good time was had by all and glad we got to spend it with friends and family. We won't be needing to buy candy for a long time around this household.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Kindergarten Halloween Party

Carson got to wear is costume to school today for the Halloween parade. He wanted to be something nice. He chose a hunter. It was also his first class party. Since I happen to be the room mom for his class it was up to me to make it fun. We had the best time and all the kids were pretty calm. Mrs. Pfeiffer kept saying how proud she is of all the kids because they are being so calm and quiet. Me and another mom in the class told her wait till all the sugar kicks in. Aunt Ami even make special pumpkin cookies for me to take in for the class even though we aren't supposed too. Oops!!!
They were yummy. We split into groups and they made spider's out of suckers, we ate at one group, we played bingo at another, and we painted each kid's foot white and stamped it on a black piece of paper to make a ghost with googly eyes. They turned out so cute. After we were done with our groups we took the kids outside and split them into two teams. They each had to dress up in the clothes to become somewhat of a scarecrow and run to their teammate, undress and off the next would go. It was lots of fun and each class member got the chance to become a scarecrow. It was so cute. I hope Carson will remember how fun school is (at least when your in Kindergarten). He really loves school and couldn't wait for Fall break to be over so he could go back to school.

Halloween Jack-O-Lanterns

Carson came home from school on Monday and asked when we were decorating our pumpkins for our house. I looked at him thinking I guess he is old enough to know that is what you do on Halloween. So Monday night we ate dinner and I went and got pumpkin to carve for the boys for family night. Chad got roped into designing our faces and I helped cut. By the time we got to the third one, the boys had all went back inside the house and Chad and I were the ones outside with the pumpkins. It was fun for the short time we were out there all together. The boys were excited to have pumpkins on the porch.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

What's wrong with this picture?????

Besides the mess that my lovely 3 younger boys made today, can you spot the problem?

I told Peyton and Parker to go and clean the 2 rooms that they destroyed and I didn't want to see them come out till it's all clean. Parker came out a little while later and I told him to go back and help Peyton. He told me Peyton was asleep in Carson's room. I went to check and could not find him. He wrapped himself up in a fitted sheet for Gunner's crib and fell asleep under it. I ran and got the camera to take pictures with out trying to wake him. I wasn't sure at first if he was really asleep or if he was playing possum. He is a pretty good "faker" at sleeping when he gets told to go and clean. He was really asleep under the sheet and is still asleep as I type. What a crazy kid.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Twins turn the BIG 4!!!

Starting out 4 years ago at 6 lbs 2 oz (Peyton) and 7 lbs 4 oz (Parker) I thought they would stay babies forever, but I now have two very active wonderful boys that are so excited for their cowboy birthday. They really are fun to be around. They get along great with each other and really are inseparable.
Today the twins turn 4. Wow has time flown by. We started the day off at the park with friends. We let the kids play and had a picnic and cupcakes. The kids all had a good time and the mom's got to have their own conversations with adults. It was fun had by all.

I attempted to make their cakes but they didn't turn out as cute as I pictured. They wanted a cowboy birthday so they chose horses to be on their cakes and boots to be on their cupcakes for the park. They of course loved them. It is exciting to have your kids think that you can do anything they ask.
They received plenty of presents between the two. Lots of cowboy stuff like Grandpa Ric. They got boots, hats, cowboy clothes, games, cars, and cap guns. They were really cute all dressed up like a cowboy. Parker was in heaven and didn't want to take it off to go to bed. I assured him he could wear it tomorrow. I had a fun day and hope they had a blast.

Monday, October 5, 2009

More Stories from the Boys!!

The other day Chad and I were talking to the boys about who the boss was. Some would say Mom, some would say Dad. Chad asked Parker who the boss was and he replied, "Dad, you are the boss but our mom, she is the Mother." We started laughing at how cute and serious he said it. I am just excited that the mother trumps the boss. I am very glad for my title of being the "Mother." Thanks Parker I owe you.
Everybody knows that I am not a morning person but have learned how to be one with Carson in kindergarten this year. I have my alarm set for 6:30am every morning. One morning Carson woke up on his own and Chad was getting ready to leave for work and told Carson that I was still in bed to go get me. He looked at Chad and told him, "but I don't want to go rest a little longer." That is what I always tell him when he comes in before my alarm goes off. Chad came in and told me what happened and we both laughed. I got out of bed and went and started the morning duties.
Last week Peyton ran to the bathroom and went potty. He hollered for me to come and wipe his buns and was sad that he got some poop in his chonies. I told him that he had diarrhea and that when he felt like he needed to go again that he had to hurry to the potty to go because he had diarrhea. His response to me was, "It's not potty mom, it's Pee-Potty." Sure enough to a almost 4 year old it does come out the backside just like pee. It was cute.
Gunner doesn't have any stories yet but I am sure in the next few years we will have some. He is starting to talk a lot. I don't remember the other talking this much this early. Any woo, some of his favorite words are...Soda (I know you all are surprised with the way I drink and have to have my soda's), Ball (he gets in some pretty vicious fights with his dad and brothers throwing all the balls at each other), Daddy (goes for me or Chad whoever is in the room), Juice, and his all time favorite "Stuck" (we heard this the whole way to Pima and most of the way home this past weekend. He is so cute and growing so fast. He is 18 months old today and hopefully ready for Nursery to begin. Woohoo!! Chad and I can enjoy some meetings again.
The other night I heard a thud and then a boy crying. I got up looked at the clock (it was 2:15am) and went to the bedroom to find out who fell out of bed. When I got there both boys were on the floor but Peyton was crying. I picked him up and on the floor was a small pool of blood. I thought oh great. I took him to the kitchen and got Chad up to help me get it cleaned up and decided it probably needs some glue. I took him to the urgent care and sure enough they super glued him back together. I was so grateful that flu season has not started yet down here. We were the only ones there and were in and back home in an hour of him rolling out of bed. Not bad service at 2:30 in the morning.
We love the boys and are glad they are part of who we are. It gets pretty crazy at times but we seem to make it through. There is definitely never a dull moment at our house.

Family pics

Here are the pictures of our family pictures for Chad's family. Melissa Alder took them and they turned out AWESOME!!!

Friday, September 18, 2009

Busy Busy Busy

I don't know where the time has gone. But it is now the middle of September and have been writing the little stories down that my kids are saying and wanted to post them. We are all doing good and having fun. First off....

Carson was helping me sort coupons the other night and I would give him a stack and he would sort them and then we would file them and give him another pack. I was filing some and he was sorting them by amounts. He would say this is $1 and this goes with $2 and came to one without the dollar amount. He asked me what that one said. I told him that was FREE. Without hesitating he starts singing "F-R-E-E that spells free credit report dot com baby." I busted up laughing. If anyone does not recognize it is on the free credit report commercial on TV. It was cute.

He then kept sorting and all the sudden he says and this goes in the Zantac pile. I saw this on TV. I know that is Zantac. He is getting too smart for his own britches. He keeps us going with all his songs and cute things he is learning in school.

Today he had a Teddy Bear Parade at school and parents were invited to attend. They were supposed to make a float out of whatever they wanted (a shoebox, a laundry basket, a stroller ect..) and take their favorite stuffed animal to go in their float and all the kindergartners parade around the front of the school pulling their floats. It was really cute. Some floats took time and others didn't. Chad wasn't too happy when I tied a bow on Carson's float. I told him, he blessed me with 4 boys and an occasional BLUE bow might show up every now and then. He just said ok fine (while shaking his head). The first picture is Carson's teacher with her own son dressed up as her bear. It was cute.

Peyton was sitting on the couch with Jeffey Jeff (as Peyton calls Jeff Barney). Jeff was playing the wii and Peyton was watching him. He told Jeff to go to that spot and get a Yoshi. Jeff told him to hold on and have some patience. Peyton looks at Jeff and says, "I had patience yesterday." He definatly keeps us on our toes with his little intelligence. He is very smart and always has to be in charge. We love him.
My favorite of the week comes from Parker. He snuck a piece of bacon that I had just cooked and was eating it at the table. I looked over and he was rubbing his greasy hands all over the kitchen table. I said Parker don't get your greasy hands all over the table. So what does he do. Takes his hands and rubs them on his pants. I again said "Parker don't rub them on your pants. Come on use your head." He took that answer and ran with it. He took his hands off his pants and was rubbing his head with his greasy hands. He is hilarious with a very mean streak. We love him when he is lovable and love him when he gets mean. He has finally came out of his shell and likes to compete with his brothers on things. He used to just sit back and take whatever toy was left and was happy to be playing with something. Now he goes to fighting for the toy he wants. I tell people that somedays I wish he would go back in his shell and be my sweet little Po-Po.
Then there comes the Gunner-Bear. Wow! Is the best I can describe him at the moment. He has so much energy and uses it to it's fullestHe does not give in to his brothers. He jumps right in and wrestles with his dad and brothers, play punches with them, rolls all over them. He keeps our house laughing with the cute things he does. He calls me daddy as well as Chad, loves balls and trains, and is really starting his first words.

We are practicing for our primary program and I needed to help with my sumbeams so I took Gunner into nursury. He has 3 weeks till he is legal so I said maybe they will keep him so I can help with practice. My V.T. partner was in there so I said she will watch him for me. About 3/4 the way through she comes through the door and said we need you. Gunner fell and busted his lip open. I am so sorry. I said no big deal and went to check the damage. He was crying a little but had blood all over his white shirt. I took him to the bathroom and got him cleaned up and striped his shirt off so I didn't scare the kids when I went back to primary. He did fine but woke up Monday with a pretty big fat lip. Needless to say, don't send your kid to nursury 3 weeks early in Gilbert. J/K... he tripped on a toy.

Monday, August 10, 2009

I Survived the First Day of Kindergarten

He made it. Mrs. Pfieffer said he had a great 1st day. He was still very happy about being at school and all the fun things they got to do. I asked what he did today and his reply was, "we had a writing center, a reading center and a play center. We got to go to recess 3 times. I made some girl friends and some boy friends. It was so fun Mom!!"
I then asked about lunch and he said, "But Mom, a mean boy stole my lunch box and ate my peanut butter and jelly sandwich." I will admit I got tears in my eyes. I was so sad for him. I asked him if he drank his Capri Sun and he again replied the mean boy drank it. I asked him if he ate anything and he said that the cafeteria has a kitchen and a lady made me a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. I asked what he drank with his sandwich and he said that the kitchen had some orange juice for him. I was mad.
I can't believe he could have so much fun but then have it ruined by a mean boy stealing his lunch. I am glad he got something to eat, but still. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better lunch time. I spoke with his teacher and Mrs. Dee is the one to take them to lunch not Mrs. Pfieffer and she didn't say anything to Mrs. Pfieffer about it. But she also informed me that it was such a crazy hectic lunchtime. Mrs. Pfieffer said she felt horrible and will ask Mrs. Dee what happened and make sure he gets his own lunch box tomorrow. Man is it hard being a mother of a kindergartner.
Tonight he told Chad and I he did not want to go to school anymore because after lunch you have to rest with your head on the desk and he did not like this. He is too cute.

Carson's 1st Day of School

It's official, Carson is a Val Vista Lakes Viking. He started school this morning and was so excited to be going. He woke up happy and ready to start getting his new clothes and new shoes on. On the way he was just all smiles and kept telling his brothers that he was going to Kindergarten. We are so proud of him and hope he stays excited about school forever and not just today. His teacher is Mrs. Pfieffer. She looks like a really fun teacher. He can't wait to ride the bus and make some new friends. Hope your day is full of fun Carson. We love you!!!