Thursday, March 19, 2009

Carson figures out the move

Carson is having a really hard time about us moving to Mesa. Last night he was in tears, I was in tears and I think even his dad shed a few tears. He is really nervous about leaving all his cousins and his friends. Chad and I were trying our hardest to comfort him and let him know that he will meet new friends in Mesa at Church and at school and we didn't think he would have a problem meeting them. Carson then wipes his tears and says. "I know why we have to move. When you see mice in your house or have to find a new job you have to move." He then looks at his dad with a look like he has it all figured out and says, "Am I right dad." He is too smart and too cute. We are really trying our hardest to be happy in this situation but have to remind ourselves that Chad does indeed have a job and many others out their don't. Thanks Carson for reminding us that we do have a mouse and so we must leave.

Monday, March 2, 2009


I need to post the cute things the boys are saying and doing these day. The boys are too funny and come up with the cutest things. I told Chad I really need to start writing these down. So here goes.
We have made 2 trips to Mesa these past 2 weekends for Cade & Lacey's wedding. We stayed in hotel both weekends. Danny got us rooms at the Hilton so we were their for 2 nights. We walked in the first night and Peyton with huge eyes looks at me and says, mom is this our new house. It was too cute.
After that, we went to the elevator. Carson pushed the button and the doors opened. Peyton of course runs in with excitement. Chad and I were not very quick as we had the 4 kids and all the luggage in one trip. The doors start to close without anyone else making it inside. Peyton being the only one inside. His eyes were as big as they could get. He was scared to death about being in their by himself. Chad stuck his hand in the door to make the doors open back up. From then on, one would push the button to open the elevator and Peyton would immediately put his hand in front of the door so they would not shut on him.
Robert and Marci were blessing Harli on Sunday the 1st of March. Since Cade got married on Saturday with the reception down in Gilbert that night we had to make the decision of going Saturday late at night, or Sunday before the sun came up. Chad said he would rather go in the morning. We left the hotel at 5:30am. We put the kids in footed pj's at night. Sunday we woke them up and changed their diapers and loaded them in the car hoping they would fall back asleep. As we were coming across top of the world Peyton said he had to go #2. I told him to hold it we were going to stop at McDonalds in Globe. So we get to McDonalds and I take Carson & Peyton in to potty. Peyton however is scared to death of the toilet flushing. So I get Carson in his stall and I go in with Peyton to sit him on the potty to do his business. Carson tells me he is done and needs help. So I leave Peyton sitting on the potty and go to Carson's stall to help him. I hear Peyton's potty flush. I immediately think oh crap, Peyton is going to freak out. So I hurry and get Carson's pj's back up and Peyton potty flushes again. I was dying laughing by this time thinking of the terrified little boy that is sitting on this potty that is randomly flushing. So I hurry out of Carson's stall to go comfort Peyton and I met him out in the little hall type thing. He bailed off the potty cuz of the flushing. I was laughing so hard. I told him he had to get back on the potty so I could wipe his buns. He told me, no mommy that potty is scary. It scared me mommy. Needless to say we got him wiped and back in his pj's and I had a good laugh the whole day. When we got home from Eagar. We dropped Chad and the boys off at the house and my mom and I were going up to the hospital to see Grandma Evelyn, Chad is on the phone with his mom and is pointing to the bathroom. I told my mom to look and we hear the toilet flush and then out runs Peyton with his chonies and pants at his ankles. We all started laughing and it made the story that much funnier. We love you Peyton even if the potty is scary. Chad says has to have some type of phobia with the flushing potty. Chad came up with Comodaphobia.
Parker and Carson were playing Hide and Seek. I was folding laundry right there in my room. Parker runs in and says, "mom where's Carson." I told him I don't know he ran into the family room. He said, "no he didn't where is Carson." We went back and forth a few times this way. I finally said, "Parker I saw him run out mom's door. I know I am the mom and you are the son." He looked at me with his huge eyes and said, "no mom I am the boss."
One last story and I am done for the night. Parker was picking on Peyton like usual. I said, "Parker." He turned and looked at me and said I am not Parker today I am Po-Po today. Only when it is convenient. Good one Po--Po.