Once again it has been a while. Lots has happened and still waiting on others to happen.
Gunner turned 2 on April 5th. He got a scooter for his birthday and has loved it ever since. Little did we know when we bought it that he would be a #1 fan of Buzz Lightyear! He even thinks he is Buzz Buzz. He has been so fun to watch grow up. He follows his 3 older brothers and does (tries) everything they do. He has the cutest facial expressions and is pretty much a happy boy!!
Chad and I also attended the Nascar races out at PIR!!! What a rush they are to watch. My favorite part is watching the flyover during the National Anthem each time.
We also moved from our apartment into a house. We have double the room and the boys are in heaven. They can play hide-n-seek and it actually takes them a while to seek out their brothers. There are so many hiding places. We also have a backyard. It is just rocks but they each have a dump truck so it's not so bad. We were able to bring the trampoline down and they have enjoyed being outside. (not so much anymore in the 105 degree temps)

The exciting May news probably most already know is...we are having a baby GIRL August 30th. We are very excited and a little scared all at the same time. During all my Dr. visits my Dr. would do an ultrasound to measure the baby. We were never really able to tell if it was a boy or girl. I just kept asking for an ultrasound every time I went in until we were able to determine it was in deed a girl. He told me he couldn't get a good enough picture to print out for me. I told him I didn't need a printed picture of girl parts just verbal is good enough for me to start gathering girly things. Glad my sisters and sisters in laws all have practice with girls because they will definitely have to help me out.
Chad taught Peyton and Parker to ride their bikes with no training wheels. They caught on really fast and are now pros. Way to go boys. Carson and Gunner also enjoy riding their bikes and scooters in the cul-de-sac.
Carson finished Kindergarten May 27th. They don't have kindergarten graduation but are sprinkled by the principal with 1st grade dust. Carson was not a fan and tried to dodge Mrs. Apel but she did get some dust on his head. We are sad that he won't be going back to Val Vista Lakes Elementary but will now be a Pioneer Prospector. We lucked out and had an awesome teacher for Kindergarten. Thank you Mrs. Pfeiffer and Mrs. D. for all your hard work in teaching Carson.
We are proud of you Carson and hope you have as much fun in 1st grade.
We have also been enjoying swimming as much as we can to stay cool. The boys love the pool here in our community because the hot tub and the pool are connected. They just have a wall in between so they just climb over the wall to get warm in the hot tub. Chad is a good sport and does most of the swimming with them. They love to jump off his shoulders and do tricks into the pool with him.
In June we went and visited Marci in Eager to bottle some chicken. I had not been to visit for about a year. I was not in town 30 minutes and her neighbor told us that a plane just crashed into the high school. Wow can her town come alive. There were people everywhere. Police officers all over the place. Fire engines surrounding the school putting out the blaze. News media choppers flying overhead. It was crazy.
(This is the part that burned)
I was working on my friends baby shower invites and the boys caught on and wanted to stamp with me. It was not so bad. They had fun and it kept them occupied for a while.
For the 4th of July we headed back up north to the cool country of Greer. Chad's parents rented cabins and the whole family was there. The kids had a great time playing legos, swimming in the jacuzzi, playing in the creek, eating donuts and fishing.
Chad decided he was going to go hike the mountain up to the rocks above. Off he went. We got a call about 30 minutes later to walk out back on the porch and look. He made it to the top of the rocks.
We also went into Eagar for the parade. Grandpa Ric and Grandma Jann took the mules over for the Haw's to ride in the parade. Since we have a few connections we got to ride with them. I will admit it was hot but we had a lot of fun.
July 8th Abbi, Marci and my mom came down to my house for Ami's birthday. No Disneyland this year due to my status. Maybe next year we can go again. We did have fun though. We went to the Diamondbacks game on Thursday night where they did win believe it or not. We all got a free cookie from Subway and because they scored 10 runs we got free tacos at Taco Bell. Way to go D-backs.
Friday morning after cashing in our free cookie coupons we all went and got pedicures. Wow that was awesome. We now all have pretty toes.
That night we were going to go bowling but went and ate at Chili's first. Ami had a coupon for free appetizer and also a free desert for her birthday. So by the time we ate our meal in the middle we were all very stuffed. When we were done we were all so stuffed there was not going to be any bowling for us. We opted to go and walk around some stores and do a little window shopping.
Saturday morning we planned to do some more shopping. It included a trip to Ribbons~n~Lace to get ribbon so Abbi could make this sweet baby girl some bows. She informed me the "I'm going home" bow was going to cost the most but it is a special one. Abbi was in heaven in that store and said if she lived here she would get a job there. We then went and ate lunch at Cracker's and Co. What yummy sandwiches they have. It was a great weekend and hope Ami had a great 26th Birthday. We love you Mame!!!